Batalja spaziale

  • Rules of the game
  • How to participate
  • Download
  • Instructions for creating a player
  • Instructions for running the game
  • FAQ
  • Rules of the game

    The game is a variation of a game named Galcon.

    It is a two player game, each player starts with a planet of some size from which the player can send his fleet to neutral planets or opponent's planets.

    A player can only send half of the fleet available at a given planet.

    A player can take ownership of another planet by sending a larger fleet then the fleet defending the planet.

    Every turn new spaceships are produced and added to the planet's fleet depending on the planet's size.

    The game is over when:

    How to participate

    The competition is structured into two phases, namely development phase, and tournament phase

    In the development phase an automatic hudden tournament is available

    To submit your player to the hidden tournament you must create a directory in your home folder of your student account named "bataljaspaziale". The folder should contant your player's source code

    After the development phase ends, a tournament will be announced in which players will be ranked by playing amongst each other.


    How to run the game is outlined in the Instructions for running the game.

    Instructions for creating a player

    A player must be a standard java program, that uses the standard input and standard output to communicate with the game.
    The player's main function must be in the file named - without the use of packages, jars, ..
    A player MUST NOT:

    Commands that a player sends to the game are in the form:

    <character that simoblizes the command> <parameters>

    All available commands:

    U<int>,<int>,<string>Universe - size (x in y) playing field (allways 100,100), and your colorgame
    P<int>,<int>,<int>,<float>,<int>,<string> Planet:
    - name (number),
    - position x,
    - position y,
    - planet size,
    - fleet size,
    - planet color (red, blue or null)
    F<int>,<int>,<int>,<int>,<int>,<int> Fleet:
    - flee name (number),
    - fleet size
    - origin planet
    - destination planet
    - current turn
    - number of needed turns
    S-Start - when a player receives this command from the game, it must answer with a series of A, followed by an Egame
    - origin planet
    - destination planet
    E-Player sends at the end of an attackplayer
    L<String>Player can send this command to forfeit the game, the parameters are displayed as the reason for forfeitingigra, player

    Example of a played game:

    U 100 100 red
    P 1 10 20 0.6 60 red
    P 2 90 80 0.6 60 blue
    P 1 10 20 0.6 36 red
    P 2 90 80 0.6 66 blue
    F 1 30 1 2 1 8
    A 1 2
    The game sends the size of the playing field
    The game sends the data for the first planet
    The game sends the data for the second planet
    The game signals the player so it can start with its attacks
    Player attacks
    Player ends with the attacks
    The game sends the data for the first planet
    The game sends the data for the second planet
    The game sends data about the fleet
    The game signals the player so it can start with its attacks

    Instructions for running the game

    The game is ran by moving into the directory you downloaded Evaluator.jar to, and by running:

    java -jar Evaluator.jar SpaceBattleship <player1> <player2>

    as an example, if you moved the downloaded player into the folder TestPlayer and the folder MyPlayer contains the code of the player you are developing, you run the game as:

    java -jar Evaluator.jar SpaceBattleship TestPlayer MyPlayer

    If you also want to download Gui.jar, that draws the game realtime you can run it as:

    java -jar Evaluator.jar SpaceBattleship <Player1> <Player2> | java -jar Gui.jar

    If you want to download, that draws the game realtime using OpenGl you can run it as:

    java -jar Evaluator.jar SpaceBattleship <Player1> <Player2> | java -Djava.library.path=GuiGL_lib -jar GuiGL.jar


    Direct your questions to Aleksandar

    How much time do we have for developing our player?

    It depends on the activity. When contestants stop updating their players for a longer period of time, the development phase will conclude.

    Are there any prizes for the winning players

    Yes! The details of the prizes are yet to be announced as they will be adjusted depending on the number of players in the tournament.
    The rewards are funded by the Student Council of UP FAMNIT and the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies.

    Can I compete?

    If you are a batchelor student on UP FAMNIT, you can!

    Will all players compete in the final tournament?

    Depends on the participation. If a lot of players are submited, only a percentage of best players will face in the final tournament.